“An ancient tradition draws protests,” by Washington Post reporter Carol Guzy, published on Oct. 9, is a powerful visual story
told in 27 photographs depicting the Kaporos chicken swinging and slaughtering ritual that took place in Crown Heights, in Brooklyn, New
York, on the night of September 16. Each photograph is accompanied by a narrative description of the events taking place, including the
silent witness-bearing by members of the Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos. To view this excruciating visual story, please click on
And please write a short letter (about 150 words give or take) to the Editor of The Washington Post thanking the newspaper for this
stunning coverage of the Kaporos ritual and whatever else you wish to say on behalf of the chickens so sadly and needlessly sacrificed.
Be sure to include your name, address, and phone number.
Letters Editor
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20071
Thank you for being a compassionate voice for the chickens.
United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl. The
Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos is a project of United Poultry Concerns that seeks to replace the cruel and unnecessary use of
chickens in kaporos rituals with money or other non-animal symbols of atonement.